Q1:境外生可以打工嗎?Can international students work in Taiwan?
International students who wish to work / intern in Taiwan (either on campus or off campus) is required to apply for and obtain a work permit before starting work. And once you have the work permit, you can work 20 hours per week.
Q2:我該如何申辦工作證?How can I apply for a work permit?
3.工作證申請表(並貼妥個人學生證正反面影本- 須已核蓋該學期註冊章或在學證明乙份)
You should bring all those required documents to office of Section of Overseas Student Affairs to apply for it.
Required Documents:
1.Workforce Development Agency(WDA) Application
2.One copy of student ID card (glue on the application form)
3.One copy of passport and ARC
4.The receipt from Post Office for service fee (NT$100/ per piece). Applicants may transfer the application fee at a post office or pay at the counter of Workforce Development Agency (WDA)
Account Name: 勞動部勞動力發展署聘僱許可收費專戶
Account Number: 19058848
5.Enrolment certificate